Monday, December 7, 2009


Below is the ad I decided to recreate.

Here is the final project. The recreation of Ipod Nano. My Masterpiece!!!!

On creating this project, it was very interesting. I created rectangular boxes to form the shape of an ipod. Then, i created cirles by using the Ellipse tool.Next, i drew buttons on the ipods with the pencil tool. i added color to the recatangles and also, I used the pen tool to give the ad a dripping effect.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wikipedia Update

Its been about a weeek since I did edited the wikipedia article on "How to run the 400" and after a week, everything was erased.

Project update 2

I am almost done with my ad. I'm just having one problem, trying to use the paint brush. For some reason, it is not coming out on the screen. If you can guide me on using it in class on monday, I would appreciate it. Thats the only thing. thanks